dispatch 1
Not a single newsletter this year and we’re 8 months in lmao. No excuses but the longest mental block, or muddle moreso. 2022 has been one of the best times for me, but theres this mental lull that has coexisted with me this year, and made enjoyment and creation just a tad harder. And when I don’t create, the lull gets stronger, and the stronger lull makes creating harder. And such the cycle continues. Then it dawns on me, I cant wait for the lull to go before I can sit and make, sit and write, sit and share. I gotta feel the feels and just do. Inspiration doesn’t fall on ones lap, you search for it. So here is me, sharing my search - not just for you, but for me to come back to so I don’t leave this space blank for 8 months again. Not when my brains been rampant. No more waiting for the right time.
Anyway, here are some things I have stumbled on and loved. I’ll be back in a couple weeks with some thoughts. Want to promise myself, and you that I’ll share some musings every 2 weeks, and things I’ve been loving every other 2 weeks. Don’t hold me to it though.
Are better things coming? Insha'allah
Frida Kahlo self portrait dedicated to Marte R Gomez
Water Lilies, Bamboo Giant Nursery